Software index
Software categories
Alternatively you can view a list of all the software. You can also get back to the Introduction if you want to. Downloading informationEach application available for downloading is listed along with its latest version number and compressed file size. Many of the applications' Help files are available as web pages so that you can decide if it is worth downloading the whole application. The applications are stored as zip files. To use them, you will need a program to 'unzip' them. If you do not already have such a program, you can download SparkPlug from David Pilling's web site. Once Sparkplug is on the iconbar, simply drag the downloaded zip file to it. A window will appear with the application inside it. To use the application, you must copy it to another directory. If you have any problems downloading the software, please contact me for assistance. If you are unable to unzip the files, I will supply unzipped versions if necessary. CompatibilityThe software available for downloading from this web site is for computers running RISC OS, and will not work on standard Windows PCs or Apple Mac computers. All applications have been tested with RISC OS versions 3.11 and 3.60, but some may not be compatible with RISC OS 2. The applications have not been tested with StrongArm, but as most are written in BASIC, this should not be a problem. If you have any difficulties with the software, please let me know. Terms and conditionsUnless otherwise stated, the software on this page is freeware. The software is supplied on the condition that it is not modified or sold without my permission, and that all help files and information remain with the applications. The copyright remains with the author at all times. The only other condition is that you give me feedback about the programs. That way, I will be able to improve these applications further, to the benefit of all users! |