Archive for the ‘Astronomy’ category

Once in a red and blue moon

Monday, 1 January 2018

At the end of this month, some people will have the opportunity to see a moon that is both a red moon and a blue moon. Of course, it will be a figurative blue moon but a literal red moon, the latter caused by a total lunar eclipse. Neither lunar eclipses nor blue moons are […]

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Remembering the 2004 transit of Venus

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

On Wesnedsay morning, people in various parts of the world will have the chance to witness an astronomical event that won’t be seen again until 2117 (that’s the year, not a quarter past nine!) The transit of Venus will be best seen from east Asia and Australia. In Europe and parts of Africa it will […]

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Total solar eclipse

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

22 July 2009, Hangzhou, China.

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Total lunar eclipse

Sunday, 4 March 2007

The eclipse of the moon was visible from many parts of the world, but luckily occurred at a relatively sociable hour of the evening in western Europe. I didn’t have my tripod, so the sequence of photos above were taken with the camera hand-held, making it impossible to take a long exposure during totality. But […]

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